Understanding Change

Our lives are permanently under construction. We live in a world that applauds change – nothing stays the same for long. Employees outlive their companies, technology changes by the day, marriages are not until death do us part.…. Nothing that is physical lasts forever. If we can accept this as an essential truth we can learn to live and cope with change from a place of self- power.

Change is not always about growth. We need to have the wisdom to know what works, the faith and courage to take risks and the vision to make things better. The article to follow asks some questions of you relevant to the intention, psychology and structure of change. Your answers will help you to understand the nature of change in your life.

The Intention, Psychology and Structure of change


What inspires change? What is the purpose of change? How will the change make a positive difference? We need to have clarity of what is working, the wisdom to realise a better future and the vision to guide us to achieve that imagined future. Let’s not be tempted to change for change sake or to follow every new trend that promises a better and easier life.


How many changes have you had in the last year?

How have you dealt with this change? 

Have you avoided it – Escape Coping 

Have you focused on what you can control and worked with it for the better – Control Coping

Change goes against an innate human need for familiarity, routine, habits and patterns. Change is perceived as losing control but it is only painful because we resist it. Stephen Covey writes that we have no control over 10% of what happens to use but 90% control of how we react to it. Where is your focus? If the picture of your life changed in an instant what would still be the same for you?


  1. Do you understand the purpose of the change?
  2. How will the change affect you in the short term versus in the long term – positively or negatively?
  3. What can you do about the change? What is in your control? What choices do you have?
  4. Who is in your support team?
  5. What actions can you take to cope with the change?



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