Presentation Skills – are you a good Presenter?

In any situation in life first impressions count. It takes about 30 seconds for a person to form an impression about not only your character but your ability to deliver. Within these 30 seconds, what you actually say is believed to count for a mere 7% of the impression created. Visual impact meanwhile, makes up 55% and your voice 38%.

What first impressions are you making when you deliver a presentation to a group of people or try and persuade someone to see the benefits in what you are offering?

The content, structure and visual message of your presentation is the basic requirement,  however, the power and delight comes from how you say it and the non-verbal communication that your audience sees. Take the assessment below to discover how good you are as a presenter.


Not at all Rarely Sometimes Often

Very often

  1. The visuals in my presentations match well with the information I am communicating








  1. To prepare for my presentation I prepare carefully for the message I want to send
  1. Before I present I become familiar with the room and the space in which I am speaking
  1. I plan and practice my presentation until I  can speak comfortably and fluently
  1. I assume my audience knows very little and then give them all the information they need
  1. I use an indirect subtle approach and I send a gentle message to my audience
  1. Anxiety gives me stress, and brings a        negative energy to my presentation
  1. I make sure organisers or other staff        prepare my equipment so that I can arrive right on time and start immediately


  1. I encourage my audience to ask questions
  1. I pay attention to my non-verbal        communication and behaviour like facial expressions, eye contact, voice tone etc
  1. My presentation sometimes takes longer than planned
  1. I use examples to support my points
  1. If I want to persuade my audience I get them to think about what the future will be like if they continue not to make        changes
  1. I focus on the main part of the presentation more than the beginning and end because that is where most of the        information is given


 Questions 1 to 4, 9 to 11 and 13 are rating 1 to 5

Questions 5 to 8, 12 and 14 are rating 5 to 1

Score Comment
14-32 Your presentations are probably quite weak, and perhaps a little   boring. There are lots of ways to bring more excitement to what, and how, you   present. You simply need more practice developing the right kind of content,   and learning to use your nervousness to create a positive flow of energy.
33-51 Your presentations are OK, and they’re probably very typical of   average presenters. The impression you leave isn’t good or bad – it’s   essentially non-existent, and your message is likely soon forgotten.
52-70 Super job! You’re giving excellent presentations. They’re interesting   and well suited to the audience, and you know that taking time to prepare   pays off in the end.

Ideas to better your presentation skills:

1.  The knowledge you have about your audience

  • Do you know how many people you are presenting to?
  • Do you know their knowledge base?
  • Do you understand their expectations/objectives?

2.  Prepare, Plan and Practice

  • How well have you researched the information for your presentation?
  • Have you used a tried and tested presentation structure?
  • Have you timed your presentation?
  • Is it engaging?

3. Delivery is everything

  • What is your energy like?
  • How confident are you?
  • Are you client centred?

4. Control your environment

  • Practice your presentation
  • Get to the venue early
  • Check the equipment
  • Know the answers to possible objections

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