Resolutions – another chance to get it right!


 A New Year – another year to realise hopes, dreams and live up to the challenges that life brings. As Oprah said, “Cheers to the new year and another chance to get it right.”

 For many of you, resolutions have been made and now it is up to you and only you to keep them. The article to follow, looks at what resolutions are and offers ways to help you to weave them into your day-to-day lives, bringing you closer to the vision you have for your life, albeit in your personal capacity or on the work front.

Resolutions are not there to be reached or achieved as a goal would be, however they are decided on (usually at the beginning of a year) to be incorporated into our day to day lives as habits. Remember that whatever you practice most – you will become. It often means that when we decide on a new resolution/s we have to break an existing pattern that we automatically default to.

A good example, to note the difference between a goal and a resolution would be; a goal to run a marathon. This is something that you can achieve. There will be an end to it. The resolutions may include things like, daily exercise, eating healthily, taking vitamin supplements, getting 7 – 9 hours sleep a night. As you can see there is not an end to these things, they will become part of your life. They will become your habits. They will become who you are.  Importantly, they will ensure that you reach your goal of running the marathon.

 Questions to help you recognize resolutions that matter



What is really important?

 Think about where you want to focus your energy for the year. What are your values?

What will give you a positive return on investment? What gives you meaning in your life?

Do you have a purpose statement?


I want to be more like….this

 List the things that you do well, enjoy about yourself and want to continue to do.

They will be habits that you have formed that are good for you and work in your favour – creating the life you want to live.

 List the benefits you and the people in your life get from you doing these things.

The list will be a constant reminder to keep doing them.

 Examples could include: acts of kindness, family traditions, rituals to spoil yourself,

regular exercise, waking up early, daily planning….


I want to be less like….that

 List the things that you know are not good for you. The things or in some case people who

drain your energy. The things you need to stop doing. This will help you to be aware of

your negative patterns.

 List the benefits you and the people in your life will get if you stop doing these things.

The list will be a constant reminder to change your behaviour.

 Examples could include: road rage, criticism, negative self-talk, crisis management,

emotional eating, not listening…


To feel successful I…….

 Write down the things that will help you to feel successful.

 Envisage speaking to a friend/colleague/family member at the end of the year – what

would you be saying you did, had, felt that made you a success in 2012.

To be happy I…

 Write down the things that will make you happy.

 What are the things that make you smile? Who are the people that make you feel happy

 and good about your authentic self? What activities make you lose track of time? What energises you?

 If you look at all the key words from the lists you have made you will have a good idea of what resolutions you need to commit to. If you feel there are too many, take on one resolution a month.

 “Don’t change who you essentially are, become who you essentially are.”

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