Turning dreams into goals


 To have a dream is a very powerful motivator. Dreams can energise us, they can offer us a purpose, give us meaning, show us how we can make a difference. What is your dream? Do you think you will achieve it in this lifetime?

 “A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energises your mind, will, and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it.”

 Some of us don’t dream because we fear disappointment, we lack a belief in who we are and what we are capable of, we settle for mediocrity or we do not believe we have the creative imagination to dream. Without the courage to dream we live someone else’s dream by default. The article below will help you to start formulating your dream and then turning the general ideas you hold in your mind, into measurable goals.

Dare to dream – realise the opportunity for a better future!

Work through the questions in the 7 steps below to start formulating what your dream is, how realistic it is and how you can set goals to achieve it. Take time to get curious, think, imagine and figure out who you want to be and what you want to do.

 1.     Your dream – Your vision  

 Your dream needs to be clarified and projected into a clear visionary statement.

  • Who do you want to be?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What will it look like, feel like?
  • My vision is to….
  • My purpose is to….

Make the WHAT as clear and possible and the HOW will follow.

 “If you have a clear vision, you will eventually attract the right strategy. If you don’t have a clear vision, no strategy will save you.

                                                                                                      Mike Hyatt

2.     Do you own your dream? 

 “Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think;

whatever you want, be sure that it is what you want;

whatever you feel, be sure that it is what you feel.

                                                                                                      T.S. Elliot

We are handed scripts from our Parents, Teachers, Family and Friends. It is easy to live these scripts as they are what other people expect from us. Make sure that the dream you have in mind is truly what you want and not the dream someone else has for you.

  • Who will be the happiest if this dream is realised?
  • What are the benefits of realising this dream?
  • How many of those are a direct benefit for you?

 3.     Can you control your dream?


  • Are you in control of the inputs?
  • Do you have the capability?
  • Are your strengths aligned to the critical success factors of your dream?

 4.     Does your dream align with your values?


  • What do you value?
  • Will achieving your dream offer you the values you have noted?

 5.     Do you have a plan?


  • What do you have to do to start?
  • What are the steps involved in achieving this dream?
  • When do you have to achieve each step by?
  • What will tell you that you are making progress?
  • How will you know you have achieved your dream?

 6.     Do you have people backing you?

  • Who will assist you on your journey?
  • Who forms part of your dream team and what role do they play?

 7.     Will realising your dream benefit others?

 A dream is always bigger than you.

  • Who will thank-you for having this dream and achieving it?
  • Who will be better off because you have achieved what you set out to do?
  • How would you have made a difference?

 Some Inspiration

“Always remember there are only two kinds of people in the world – the realists and the dreamers. The realists know where they’re going. The dreamers have already been there”.

Robert Orben

 “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into smaller manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”

   Mark Twain

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