You and your self esteem

I started VisionWorx because I had to go through a process to see things right before I could set things right. My workshops take participants through the practical learning curve I went through. This helped me to realise my limiting beliefs, get in touch with who I am and develop self-awareness. It also gave me a space to prioritise what life dimensions where important to me and where I should be spending energy. The result was a vision board that I look at every day (and smile at, because it is SO me). It assists me to focus on what I need to do in every moment, to live the life I want. Daily affirmations help me to stay on track and committed to my vision.


  You and your self esteem 


The word ‘esteem’ comes from the Latin word that means ‘to estimate’. Self esteem is how you estimate yourself. It is the word used for how we see ourselves, our perception of who we are and what we think we have to offer the world.


 In order to estimate yourself the questions that you need to be able to answer honestly include:

·        Do I like myself?

·        Do I think I am a good human being?

·        Am I someone deserving of love?

·        Do I deserve happiness?

·        Do I deserve success?

·        What are my strengths – do I play to them?

·        Do you like the company you keep in the empty moments…..


If you want to improve your self esteem;


Think about these statements:


·        Take pleasure in knowing that you are not alone. We all go through phases in our lives where we have to question things, ourselves, our values, our worth. It is about being human.

·        You are a special and a wonderful person

o   Out of 6 billion people in the world you are a one-off

§  Unique fingerprints

§  Unique DNA

§  Your mind and how it thinks is all your own

·        You  have a right to fail and make mistakes

o   Welcome to the Human race – to err is human.

o   Often we have to make mistakes to get something right – failure gives us the opportunity to do things better and then… teach someone else how to do it.

·        We have the right to respect ourselves and to be respected.

·        We have the right to say YES and the right to say NO.

Try these actions:


1.     You are not defined by one moment

Our past or current behaviour does not define who we are. It may be just one aspect of who we are. Do not condemn yourself because you have seemingly failed in one aspect of your life. Failure can never be your identity.


2.     Turn negative self talk into positive self talk

Many people think that they are not important and their views carry no weight – is this you? If you go on believing this you will encourage other people to believe that too. Think of yourself as someone who has rights, opinions and ideas. They are just as important as anyone else’s.


3.     Improve self-esteem through:

a.     10-minutes of silence

Give yourself 10 minutes a day to be alone. Close your eyes and imagine a quiet place – allow yourself to feel peaceful, content and happy. Start to say to yourself, “All is well” over and over.

b.     Affirming the positive

Write down the things that have gone right in a day, a week, a month or even your life – Call it YOUR VICTORY LIST.

c.     Listing 10 things you like about yourself

§  Daily activities that you do that you are proud of

§  Physically

§  Personality

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