YOU as the brand

Do you know what your clients think about you and the service you offer OR more importantly have you discussed with your team what you would like your clients to think about the people who service them – your brand image.The brand image of your company is powerfully driven by the individuals your clients come […]

Top TEAM tips

One thing I know for sure is that we can’t do life or work on our own. We all have a need to belong to something larger than ourselves and share our skills and talents with a group of people who are working towards a common purpose.   So, if that statement is true why […]


In a world where we are judged by the skills we possess and what we do, instead of who we are, it is easy to get lost in how competent we are rather than the character we have built. Endurance is a character building word. It is our inward strength that enables us to withstand […]